Arcamax horoscopes

Written by Amjtyy NtoagLast edited on 2024-07-16
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The Thin Veil. Entertainment / Horoscopes / May 01, 2024. Celebrants, light your bonfires, feast and dance the maypole -- maybe not in that order. It was the belief of the ancients that on this day of Beltane, the veil between realms of reality is at its thinnest. It ties in with the themes of fertility, which is quite literally the bridge ...Gifts of Love: Creating Memories and Teaching Values. Annie Lane on Apr 23, 2024. Dear Readers: Many of you wrote in with tips on encouraging children to focus less on material items. Thank you for sharing these terrific suggestions. Here are some of my favorite letters: Dear Annie: I just read your letter from "Caught in the Middle," the ...The relatively new holiday, National Day of Forgiveness, celebrates the option of letting go of grievances today. There's not one correct way to execute forgiveness, which is …Pink Moon Blooming. Holiday Mathis on Apr 23, 2024. Juliet suggests "a rose by any other name would still smell as sweet," though, scent aside, the entire plot was driven by Romeo's last name. The Pink Moon by any other name would still not be pink, but the rosy hue in our imagination sparks wonder, aligning with the energetic shifts of spring.Avoiding the Scorpion's Sting. Holiday Mathis on Mar 27, 2024. The stinger on the tail of the Scorpio moon is the lovely parting gift we take away from our interactions. Where two or more people are involved, there can be endless interpretations. Try not to be too literal, detailed or inflexible in your interpretation of things.VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Your vigilance is often a boon, but not today. This is no time to be strict on yourself. It's probably the foolish and "time wasting" pursuits that will lead you to ...The psychic Scorpio moon tugs luck from opposing Jupiter, favoring the famed Marmot at Gobbler's Knob. The prophesy of Punxsutawney Phil, Seer of Seers, Sage of Sages, Prognosticator of Prognosticators and Weather Prophet Extraordinaire extends to the climate outdoors, though the lunar action reminds us that it's the internal warmth that matters.Entertainment / Horoscopes / Aug 05, 2023 Everyone needs some degree of self-interest to operate in the world, though a little goes a long way. At this point of Leo season, with the moon in the sign of "I am," we are well aware of how the ego can be a manipulative child, slanting the perspective in such a way as to seem like the center of the ...The left has a new goal: degrowth! We should "buy less stuff," forgive debts, grow our own food, etc. They say this will "build a more just and sustainable society" and "save the planet" from "climate chaos." This idea is popular with capitalism-haters. One at a ...Horoscopes / April 29, 2024 Today brings a Venus change, and tomorrow it's Mars, which is a logical order in the "ladies first" kind of way. Both Venus and Mars are returning to their favorite places -- Mars to the warrior realm of Aries and Venus ...Horoscopes / May 19, 2024 The final day of Taurus season brings quiet moments of reflection. May we find clarity and peace, knowing that each day is a blank page waiting for our unique imprint.ArcaMax Content Directory Astrological Forecast by Holiday Mathis. Find out what the stars have in store for you! Get your astrology sent to your inbox daily along with a daily forecast for tomorrow! Circulation 169,255. View Sample View Site. Subscribe to Astrological Forecast Newsletter.Nikki Haley Is the New Liz Cheney! Wayne Allyn Root on Feb 25, 2024. What a loser Nikki Haley has become. And it didn't have to be this way. I wonder how much money the three "D"s bribed her with -- Democrats, the D.C. swamp and the deep state. Was it cash in offshore accounts?Backlash: America Cools on Crazy. Jeff Robbins on May 21, 2024. The morning after the 1972 election in which Richard Nixon defeated liberal Democrat George McGovern by 23 points, New Yorker film critic Pauline Kael wandered glumly around the magazine's Manhattan office. "I don't know how this could have happened," Kael muttered.Ask Amy: Parents respond to a hotline call. Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on Dec 27, 2023. Dear Amy: Six years ago, my two adult stepdaughters confronted us with their "concerns" that their mother and I knew that our 17-year-old son smoked marijuana. We did know about his pot use and clearly explained the steps we were already ...Rob Kyff on Mar 13, 2024. Q. A postcard states that a certain company has "over 50 years' experience" in a certain field. Is the apostrophe after "years" necessary? -- Maureen, via e-mail. A. After over 50 years' experience in the field of grammar and usage, I can firmly answer "yes." By convention, it's customary to describe amounts of time ...Horoscopes / April 22, 2024 Similar in the way that the darkest hour is just before dawn, the peak time for dramatic tension occurs just before the moon's fullness. Between the three luminaries in water signs and the impending Pink Moon in Scorpio,...Entertainment / Horoscopes / Nov 28, 2022 Mars and Saturn align to test our social skills and advance the interests of those who test well. The secret to people is simple: They want to feel important and will gravitate to getting their need of status and attention met.The moon moving from clean Virgo to shiny Libra recalls how clarifying our priorities is like washing a car. We do it knowing we'll have to do it again next week and the week after that. Unlike washing your car, you don't need soap or sweat tend to our values. Just reflecting on what truly matters to you is an act of alignment.Entertainment / Horoscopes / Feb 17, 2024 The saying goes, "There's no accounting for taste." Taste is a melding of various domains of intelligence centered around aesthetics, …What's Left 8: Health Care Is a Human Right. Ted Rall on Mar 30, 2024. Learning is a societal and individual good. American businesses, however, have weaponized higher education into an overcredentialization racket that coerces millions of young people to borrow hundreds of billions of dollars in tuition, room and board, often to study subjects ...As if the Mercury retrograde weren't providing enough of a challenge, a lunar square to the planet careening backward in Capricorn will add some additional weight to the bar. This is how we build the muscles of communication skill; we get more specific, clearer and ...The Thin Veil. Entertainment / Horoscopes / May 01, 2024. Celebrants, light your bonfires, feast and dance the maypole -- maybe not in that order. It was the belief of the ancients that on this day of Beltane, the veil between realms of reality is at its thinnest. It ties in with the themes of fertility, which is quite literally the bridge ...Apr 17, 2024 · Entertainment / Horoscopes / Apr 19, 2024 Mercury and Venus do a perfectly synchronized dance to welcome the Taurus sun -- an omen of prosperity, full hearts and satisfying experiences. Taurus Season is a celebration of the senses, a time of appreciation for all that allows us to take in the world.Rolling Toward a New Money Moon. Holiday Mathis on May 6, 2024. The reputation of "new money" may be gauche, but new, old or no money can be just as awkward. As we slide into tomorrow's new moon in Taurus, the chance to examine our relationship to finance and all involved emotions, history and intentions is ever near.Pisces Planets Give the Feels. Holiday Mathis on Mar 2, 2024. The preponderance of Pisces planets is keeping the emotions flowing strong. Just remember that everything you do to manage the discrepancy between how you feel and what you project takes energy. Being in spaces and around people who don't require you to …Worm Moon. Holiday Mathis on Mar 25, 2024. Consider the lowly earthworm -- a creature without ears who processes sound vibration to "hear" and, though eyeless, processes light to "see." Crucial to all that grows on planet Earth, the soil-star has much to teach us about the perfection of being the way we are and using what we have to make space ...Horoscopes / May 19, 2024 The final day of Taurus season brings quiet moments of reflection. May we find clarity and peace, knowing that each day is a blank page waiting for our unique imprint.Neptune's Challenge. Holiday Mathis on Apr 13, 2024. In the sunset days of Aries Season, there are many things that could shore up the distance between you and the prize on the horizon. Time and work are minimum requirements, boosted by add-ons like luck, talent, team and more. An aspect to Neptune challenges us to see the potential in …The sun seems to burn a little hotter in the final stretch of Aries season, and our passions answer with an inner surge of recognition. Yesterday's solar conjunction to Jupiter will be felt for the rest of the week in the form of emotional intensity, cravings and a general tone that turns familiar situations in an edgy direction.Not needing to be right all the time is an attractive quality. Flexibility of spirit and an open mind is more fun to interact with than someone who is rigid with many rules and requirements of others. Under these stars we are ready and willing to take a stand on the big...It is possible to find a “today is your birthday horoscope” at sites such as Cafe Astrology and Free-Horoscope-Today. Most sites that offer this service, including Cafe Astrology, ...Flower Power. Holiday Mathis on May 23, 2024. This full moon has the feel of a slumber party. The close vicinity of friends will bring enough joyful adrenaline to fuel a night filled with more laughter than sleep. Names for the full moon in Sagittarius include the hare moon, corn planting moon and milk moon. But the one most fitting now is the ...Marc Munroe Dion on Apr 12, 2024. Bald eagles. Big, feisty, fighting creatures. Lousy fathers sometimes. They're like your cousin Richie, is what they are. This is why you hope Richie isn't showing up for your aunt's wake. He'll show up drunk and want to fight your cousin Nelson. Richie has kids in your town, and the two nearest towns, the ones ...Why I'm Co-Hosting a Trump Fundraiser. Ben Shapiro on Mar 20, 2024. Unsurprisingly to those who follow this space, I plan to vote for Donald Trump in November. Not just that. This week, I'm co-hosting a fundraiser for him. So, how precisely did a conservative who didn't vote for president in 2016 and didn't support Donald Trump during the ...Jupiter's Jackpot. Holiday Mathis on Apr 20, 2024. Mercury and Venus aligned to greet the new season with a solid alliance of heart and head, word and deed, desire and fulfillment. Today brings another lucky conjunction, adding to the prosperous and fortunate omens for Taurus Season. Jupiter, the planet of luck, and Uranus, the planet of ...There's plenty of scientific evidence of how unprocessed pain alters minds, affects memories and distorts a person's sense of reality. The lunar conjunction to Neptune in empathetic Pisces advocates for graciousness, making allowances for others and affording large ...Apr 6, 2024 · Holiday Mathis on Apr 6, 2024. Two lunar conjunctions follow up the Venus change bringing consecutive breakthroughs, first theoretical then physical. Our perception of situations changes while the facts of the circumstance are still the same. But seeing things differently makes them different, and the changes soon manifest on a material level.Dear Amy: A few years ago, I offered to make a T-shirt quilt as a graduation gift for a co-worker's oldest son. She purchased the materials, and I provided the skill and labor. She and her son were thrilled with the quilt, and she mentioned that I would have two more to go down the road for her other two sons as they graduated. I was taken aback with this expectation, but didn't say ...Cosmic Appetizers. Holiday Mathis on Feb 15, 2024. The moon in the sign of appetite takes various tactics to sate the hunger. First comes an alignment with Jupiter akin to asking Dad for a bigger allowance. Then there's a threat to Mercury, followed by collusion with Uranus, the rebel planet of surprises. As for those who want what they want ...Entertainment / Horoscopes / Oct 05, 2023 Mercury has only been in Libra for a few hours and already people are talking about the new ways they will connect and create together. Whether it's as simple as having lunch at a new place, as elaborate as starting a business or as sweet as starting a dating rhythm, the intentions and plans are coming ...Happy Leap Day, the day that only happens once every four years. May the rarity of the numbering be a reminder of the rare qualities in each of us. Of the billions of humans who have ever walked the earth, none have walked it quite like you. You are one of a kind and ...Mar 27, 2024 · Avoiding the Scorpion's Sting. Holiday Mathis on Mar 27, 2024. The stinger on the tail of the Scorpio moon is the lovely parting gift we take away from our interactions. Where two or more people are involved, there can be endless interpretations. Try not to be too literal, detailed or inflexible in your interpretation of things.Entertainment / Horoscopes / Aug 08, 2023 The moon in the sign of money is like a salesperson gathering leads at the cosmic convention. Varying degrees of success come from lunar angles to Mercury, Jupiter, the sun, Mars, Uranus and Venus.DEAR DR. ROACH: I recently saw a friend who had been diagnosed with ALECT2 amyloidosis, a form of chronic kidney disease that is not well-understood but is considered fatal. Her illness was first misdiagnosed. She is in her late 60s and seems to be aging gracefully. She...1 day ago · You experience life with more than just your five senses. Context clues us. Memory informs us. Beliefs around status, prejudice and preference provide additional data to crunch, as do a million other subtleties that shape how we perceive the landscape we move through. ...The Totality. Holiday Mathis on Apr 8, 2024. In Hindu mythology, the demon Rahu swallowed the sun. In Norse mythology, it was wolves. The ancients feared eclipses and tried to scare them away with fire and noise. Now we chase eclipses and celebrate them. Whether you're in a place to view the eclipse or not, this Totality, occurring in the …The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits Congress from infringing upon the freedom of speech. It doesn't command that Congress grant the freedom of speech. Rather it recognizes the pre-governmental existence of the freedom of speech and commands that Congress leave it alone. The framers and ratifiers of the Bill of Rights ...In politics they call it "working across the aisle" -- the tricky dance of cooperation between rival parties aimed to keep business rolling along. A square of Mars and Saturn suggests negotiation and compromise will be necessary to progress. A show of respect can set ...Pink Moon Blooming. Holiday Mathis on Apr 23, 2024. Juliet suggests "a rose by any other name would still smell as sweet," though, scent aside, the entire plot was driven by Romeo's last name. The Pink Moon by any other name would still not be pink, but the rosy hue in our imagination sparks wonder, aligning with the energetic shifts of spring.Getting your horoscope online is fun. Getting free horoscopes online is even more fun. You want to use a site that feels authentic without having to pay. Here are some ways to get ...Strange Brew. Take It From The Tinkersons. The Argyle Sweater. The Barn. The Fortune Teller. The Lockhorns. The Other Coast. The Pajama Diaries. Wallace The Brave.Flower Power. This full moon has the feel of a slumber party. The close vicinity of friends will bring enough joyful adrenaline to fuel a night filled with more laughter than sleep. Names for the full moon in Sagittarius include the hare moon, corn planting moon and milk moon. But the one most fitting now is the flower moon, as the youthful ...Shaving cream and table tennis balls earn man his 171st world record. Entertainment / Weird News / May 24, 2024. (UPI) Serial Guinness World Record-breaker David Rush covered his head in shaving cream and …Ask Amy: Parents respond to a hotline call. Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on Dec 27, 2023. Dear Amy: Six years ago, my two adult stepdaughters confronted us with their "concerns" that their mother and I knew that our 17-year-old son smoked marijuana. We did know about his pot use and clearly explained the steps we were already ...Mars in Leo and Pluto in Aquarius form an opposition, indicating discrepancies in the stories we tell ourselves and the realities we live. The impact of a story cannot be underestimated, and it will be important to get it right. Much depends on where you put the ending....Incrementally Becoming. Holiday Mathis on May 3, 2024. In stories, big changes happen in an instant. But the reality we know often moves with small changes that, over time, create a new circumstance. The recent shifts of Venus, Mars and Pluto are a reminder that becoming is often an incremental process. Do not doubt that your small acts of ...GVP: Get the latest GSE Systems stock price and detailed information including GVP news, historical charts and realtime prices. Indices Commodities Currencies StocksFlower Power. Entertainment / Horoscopes / May 23, 2024. This full moon has the feel of a slumber party. The close vicinity of friends will bring enough joyful adrenaline to fuel a …8 things you can't just toss in the recycling bin. Virginia Sole-Smith, on Apr 16, 2024. 4. Packing materials. Take foam peanuts and other packing materials to a local shipping store or small business that ships items often and can reuse them. 5. Plastic bags, wrap, or packaging film. Some grocery stores will let you return ...Horoscopes / April 22, 2024 Similar in the way that the darkest hour is just before dawn, the peak time for dramatic tension occurs just before the moon's fullness. Between the three luminaries in water signs and the impending Pink Moon in Scorpio,...Retiring in phases means more flexibility--and sanity. If you ever fantasized of leaving your job on your 67th birthday and hopping on an international cruise, well, the pandemic l...Flashy Venus Fire Trine. Holiday Mathis on Jan 17, 2024. For thousands of years, negativity bias, or the tendency to remember negative consequences more than positive ones, has kept humans from repeating mistakes. Don't worry, it's safe to focus on the positive now. Negativity bias will still be working in the background even as we try to ...In a Lunar Swell. Holiday Mathis on Apr 21, 2024. To set goals around how much you'd like to practice or study will be a far better aim than setting your sights on a prize. When you put in the hours of study and practice, the achievement will be either a given or irrelevant next to the joy of immersion that will soon take over.Day of Double Trines and Oppositions. Holiday Mathis on Mar 28, 2024. It takes energy to shore up discrepancies. When you feel one thing but must act in some other way, it creates a gap. To shore up those gaps and present one cohesive personality is the very definition of emotional labor. This is why people you can't be yourself around …Ask Amy: Friends drift apart over religion. Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on Apr 28, 2024. Dear Amy: My friend "Tina" and I have been friends since college and are now in our 50s. When we met we were members of a campus religious organization, however as the years passed we both drifted away from our religious affiliations.Holiday Mathis on Mar 3, 2024. Venus is being unduly stressed. The reason the flow of emotion and creativity can seem unpredictable and uncontrollable is because it is. Creativity is the meeting of something in you with something outside of you, and neither side of it is particularly controllable. The best you can do is make yourself a fertile ...Domestic Moon. Holiday Mathis on Jan 24, 2024. The moon leaves her home in Cancer only to get immediately into a tug of war opposition with Pluto. We're heading for the full moon in Leo tomorrow, which is also known as the Wolf Moon. Whether you choose to see it as feline or canine, today brings the domesticated version -- tomorrow, the feral.Incrementally Becoming. Holiday Mathis on May 3, 2024. In stories, big changes happen in an instant. But the reality we know often moves with small changes that, over time, create a new circumstance. The recent shifts of Venus, Mars and Pluto are a reminder that becoming is often an incremental process. Do not doubt that your small …Entertainment / Horoscopes / Aug 21, 2023 The sun checks in with Pluto to make sure that aims have been accomplished and purposes served. If there's unfinished business, now is the time to handle it before the astrological season change and Mercury's retrograde.ArcaMax Publishing is a Participating Sender in Return Path's Sender Score Certified program. Sender Score Certified is the industry's leading accreditation system, used by more than 35,000 receiving domains, including MSN Hotmail, Windows Live Mail Beta and Roadrunner, covering more than 250 million email mailboxes worldwide.Dion's sun, moon and Saturn are in the sign of the ram, lending ferocious drive. Mercury and Venus in soulful Pisces bring spiritual strength and augment talents for communicating emotion. Her lucky planet Jupiter is in Leo. Holiday Mathis' debut novel, "How To Fail Epically in Hollywood," is out now!Message of Two Moons. Holiday Mathis on Mar 4, 2024. Those who take their favorite endeavors to the level of art know all too well how excessive rules can ruin the form. There is a delicate balance between structure and freedom. While some guidelines or principles can provide helpful frameworks, excessive rules can suffocate the organic growth ...Finding Love in All the Wrong Places. Annie Lane on Apr 19, 2024. Dear Annie: I have let myself get involved with a significantly younger guy. To make matters worse, I'm married. In my defense, before I even started talking to this other guy, my husband and I had come to a place in our marriage where we were more like roommates than husband and ...Cassie McClure on Apr 14, 2024. I had a meeting with young activists last week. They each had prepared statements and a binder with my name on it, with handwritten tabs for each section. I had at least 10 to 15 years on each of them and had an almost maternal pride watching them. But it wasn't their youth that inspired me; it was the gumption ...A Vision of Luck. Holiday Mathis on Mar 17, 2024. Those who believe in manifestation know that envisioning a desired outcome with great emotion and optimism is a key step in the process of attraction. Imagining the lucky circumstance is happening now and feeling grateful and celebratory is in there, too. The solar conjunction to dreamy Neptune ...Tenant frustrated HOA failed to fix drainage issue in unit. Ilyce Glink and Samuel J. Tamkin, Tribune Content Agency on Apr 26, 2024. Q: My homeowners association (HOA) agreed to fix a leaky air conditioning drainage line that ran between floors. It causes flooding in my unit every summer. They set up a repair date but eventually canceled the work.Horoscopes / February 23, 2024 Among the many amazing spectacles of the sea, the phenomenon known as "The Sardine Run" is a stand-out: a miles-long school of millions upon millions of fish migrates the African coast, attracting dolphins, sharks and ...Holiday Mathis on Apr 25, 2024. The start of the year was remarkably retrograde-free, and then Mercury pulled the Retrograde Fools' Day prank and got the backward ball rolling. Next up, Pluto will take his moonwalk move on May 2. For the record, Venus is the only planet that doesn't retrograde this year; the love goddess has opted out of the ...Pink Moon Blooming. Holiday Mathis on Apr 23, 2024. Juliet suggests "a rose by any other name would still smell as sweet," though, scent aside, the entire plot was driven by Romeo's last name. The Pink Moon by any other name would still not be pink, but the rosy hue in our imagination sparks wonder, aligning with the energetic shifts of spring.Restless Moon. Holiday Mathis on Mar 16, 2024. Existential boredom is a kind of painless pain, not acutely felt as a sensation, but as an ache of the soul. This is why, for many, empty time is unbearably uncomfortable. Even so, the challenge, under this Gemini moon, is to defy distraction and feel the space. Emptiness is pure potential.A: God’s grace – God’s goodness – is quite simply His love, mercy, and forgiveness – the wellspring of salvation to sinners who repent and receive Him. God is faithful to His promises. A great preacher by the name of César Malan was put out of his church in Switzerland in the early 1800s because of his evangelistic zeal.Entertainment / Horoscopes / Jan 25, 2024 The January full moon, which is known as the Wolf Moon in some circles and the Leo Moon in others, recalls the age-old tension between cats and dogs -- two creatures with different approaches to similar agendas.Have you ever wondered what your zodiac sign says about you? The study of astrology has been around for thousands of years and continues to captivate people’s imagination. Whether ...Flashy Venus Fire Trine. Holiday Mathis on Jan 17, 2024. For thousands of years, negativity bias, or the tendency to remember negative consequences more than positive ones, has kept humans from repeating mistakes. Don't worry, it's safe to focus on the positive now. Negativity bias will still be working in the background even as we try to ...The Aquarius New Moon holds the excitement of transformation. It disappears into the last night of the year of the rabbit and glows anew in the year of the dragon. Amid whispered flames, wings carve the sky's canvas vast. …Fire Trine: Flames Entwine. Holiday Mathis on Apr 18, 2024. The Leo moon has a parting gift for Aries sun on the final full day of its Aries journey. The fire sign trine is a match lit by another match -- a single flame's sputtering surge. We flare with boldness and courage to do what was left undone.Ask Amy: Consumer doesn't want a chatty trainer. Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on Feb 9, 2024. Dear Amy: Sometimes, I want some help with a skill. For example: skiing. I'm a perfectly competent skier, but I know I have some quirks in my form, and some one-on-one targeted work with an instructor might help me to straighten them out.Cosmic Grudge Match. Holiday Mathis on May 17, 2024. Mercury and Pluto square off grudge-like, and little words like "I'm sorry" are so significant, they can change everything about a relationship. Words have the weight they are given and are valued by the effects they cause or inspire. Some people say "I'm sorry" so easily and often, it means ...Forms of Directness. Holiday Mathis on Apr 27, 2024. The respite from retrogrades is a good time to consider that progress can look like movement, and it can also look like a stall. Pauses have something to offer. Later, a moment spent waiting around may even be your favorite of the day.Dear Amy: I retired from a very stressful job three years ago. I usually worked 50 to 60 hours a week. My wife was able to quit work about 25 years ago, staying home to finish raising our son. She is amazing, and though we have been able to afford outside help, she took care of the house and cooked most of our meals. We shared yard work about 50/50, but she ended up doing more because ...Dear Readers: Every year I step away from my column for two weeks to work on other creative projects. (Anyone interested in my non-advicey personal essays and photographs can subscribe to my free newsletter: I hope you enjoy these "Best Of" columns from 10 years ago. Today's topic: How we eat. Dear Amy: I have a friend who recently decided to become ...Holiday Mathis on Mar 23, 2024. Mars in the first degrees of Pisces suggests we don't rush new situations. Stay observant. Being fresh on a scene can make a person eager to fit in, but it's better to resist the social pull to conform and maintain a certain amount of independence until you understand where everyone is coming from.Domestic Moon. Holiday Mathis on Jan 24, 2024. The moon leaves her home in Cancer only to get immediately into a tug of war opposition with Pluto. We're heading for the full moon in Leo tomorrow, which is also known as the Wolf Moon. Whether you choose to see it as feline or canine, today brings the domesticated version -- …ARIES (March 21-April 19). Expect to meet a variety of responses to the change you propose. Some will embrace your ideas; others will dig in their heels, daring you to try different persuasion. Maybe they secretly want to see how powerful you are. TAURUS (April 20-May 20).Dear Amy: "Carol" and I are extremely good friends. I know she cares deeply about me. However, whenever she asks about my life, instead of sympathizing with my problems and my feelings, she clings to an issue I've mentioned and immediately brainstorms solutions to my problem -- as though I or my family members were incompetent at solving our own problems. She asks me about how my life is ...True growth begins with a you-to-you embrace. An open-hearted self-acceptance will lead you to accept a number of other things. The more you can accept, the bigger your heart, world and horizons will be. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You're the constant. You show up when it matters with a steady hand to hold.on Apr 20, 2024. The morning of the reaping, I was so smug. I thought: Have fun at your meetings, suckers of the corporate macrocosm, for I have chosen the life of a voyager. I set off into the outdoors to report for a future column, details I will reserve for now. The journey involved hiking less than 2 miles through Honeymoon Island State ...4 days ago · Horoscopes / May 19, 2024 The final day of Taurus season brings quiet moments of reflection. May we find clarity and peace, knowing that each day is a blank page waiting for our unique imprint.Diane Rossen Worthington, Tribune Content Agency on May 13, 2024. Gazpacho usually means a tomato-based soup with bread and cucumbers. In Spain there is an offshoot of the tomatoey-garlic soup called Salmorejo, which uses plenty of olive oil to emulsify it all together. Tasty, but richer, Salmorajo can be found in Cordoba, Spain, where the ...Entertainment / Horoscopes / Oct 05, 2023 Mercury has only been in Libra for a few hours and already people are talking about the new ways they will connect and create together. Whether it's as simple as having lunch at a new place, as elaborate as starting a business or as sweet as starting a dating rhythm, the intentions and plans are coming ...Apr 20, 2024 · Jupiter's Jackpot. Holiday Mathis on Apr 20, 2024. Mercury and Venus aligned to greet the new season with a solid alliance of heart and head, word and deed, desire and fulfillment. Today brings another lucky conjunction, adding to the prosperous and fortunate omens for Taurus Season. Jupiter, the planet of luck, and Uranus, the planet of ...1. Cook bacon and onion with 2 tablespoons of the oil in a very large (12 to 14-inch) nonstick or well-seasoned cast-iron skillet over medium heat until bacon is crispy, about 10 minutes. 2. Meanwhile, use the large holes of a 4-sided grater to shred the potatoes (peel and all) onto a cutting board. Pat dry. Suddenly, the need to shower, comb their hair and brush their teeth will take on new signif

The new year features Jupiter's lucky new direct motion path, and there are only moments until Mercury's retrograde ends, too. These are omens for a new year filled with hope and prosperity. "Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky/ The flying cloud, the frosty light: The...Daily horoscopes and predictions. Register for your free account: Subscribe to any feature and receive your newsletter directly in your inbox.Bridging Distance in Busy Marriage. Annie Lane on May 16, 2024. Dear Annie: I've been happily married for over 12 years, but lately, I've noticed a growing distance between my husband "Bryan" and me. He's always been a bit of a workaholic, but it's gotten to the point where even on weekends, he's either at the office or on his phone dealing ...Entertainment / Horoscopes / Mar 25, 2024 Consider the lowly earthworm -- a creature without ears who processes sound vibration to "hear" and, though eyeless, processes light to "see." Crucial to all that grows on planet Earth, the soil-star has much to teach us about the perfection of being the way we are and using what we have to make space ...Strange Brew. Take It From The Tinkersons. The Argyle Sweater. The Barn. The Fortune Teller. The Lockhorns. The Other Coast. The Pajama Diaries. Wallace The Brave.The left has a new goal: degrowth! We should "buy less stuff," forgive debts, grow our own food, etc. They say this will "build a more just and sustainable society" and "save the planet" from "climate chaos." This idea is popular with capitalism-haters. One at a ...Welcome to Taurus Season. Holiday Mathis on Apr 19, 2024. Mercury and Venus do a perfectly synchronized dance to welcome the Taurus sun -- an omen of prosperity, full hearts and satisfying experiences. Taurus Season is a celebration of the senses, a time of appreciation for all that allows us to take in the world.Dear Amy: "Leonard" and I have been married for 47 years. We have raised three kind, independent children with lives of their own. We have both changed from the lusty and adventurous people of our younger days to what we are now. I lead a life filled with faith, friends, and love of travel. He is an angry, volatile, unpredictable and overreactive man. He has cut dozens of people out of his ...Couple seeks clarification on tax implications if they sell their second home. Ilyce Glink and Samuel J. Tamkin, Tribune Content Agency on Feb 15, 2024. Q: In 2020 my husband and I paid cash for a condo that my college son has lived in while going to school. He is about to graduate and get married. We are now contemplating selling the home.Taurus Lunar Transition. Holiday Mathis on May 8, 2024. In the lunar transition from Taurus to Gemini, it may feel like you don't quite know what is best to work on. Often, the first step to solving a problem is knowing what it is. But if you don't know what it is, there's no need to fret. Take it as a cue to relax and make your mood and life ...Last Call for Venus. Holiday Mathis on Apr 4, 2024. Lady Venus has bowed at the altars of empathy. She has lingered with sweet friends at the church social until the janitor turned off the lights. She danced with her squad until the bartender hollered the last call. Alas, the group fun is over. Venus will cross into independent Aries where she ...9 easy ways to remove dust and dirt from baseboards. Jolie Kerr, on Feb 6, 2024. Cleaning baseboards is an easy job to overlook, and it has a reputation as a tedious household chore. But keeping baseboards clean of dust, hair, and splatters can greatly improve the appearance of any room. Ideally, baseboards in highly trafficked areas ...The God Squad: Kalo Pascha. Rabbi Marc Gellman, Tribune Content Agency on Mar 21, 2024. Q: As a Greek Orthodox Christian, it seems I've been explaining all of my life to other Christians why Orthodox Christians celebrate what we commonly refer to as Pascha, oftentimes much later than "Western" Christians. The Orthodox only celebrate the ...Entertainment / Horoscopes / Apr 19, 2024 Mercury and Venus do a perfectly synchronized dance to welcome the Taurus sun -- an omen of prosperity, full hearts and satisfying experiences. Taurus Season is a celebration of the senses, a time of appreciation for all that allows us to take in the world.The Totality. Holiday Mathis on Apr 8, 2024. In Hindu mythology, the demon Rahu swallowed the sun. In Norse mythology, it was wolves. The ancients feared eclipses and tried to scare them away with fire and noise. Now we chase eclipses and celebrate them. Whether you're in a place to view the eclipse or not, this Totality, occurring in the first ...Flashy Venus Fire Trine. Holiday Mathis on Jan 17, 2024. For thousands of years, negativity bias, or the tendency to remember negative consequences more than positive ones, has kept humans from repeating mistakes. Don't worry, it's safe to focus on the positive now. Negativity bias will still be working in the background even as we try to ...Reflections of Taurus Season. Holiday Mathis on May 19, 2024. The final day of Taurus season brings quiet moments of reflection. May we find clarity and peace, knowing that each day is a blank page waiting for our unique imprint. Our lives are our masterpieces, every page a development. It doesn't have to be positive to be good -- in fact, the ...Holiday Mathis on Apr 25, 2024. The start of the year was remarkably retrograde-free, and then Mercury pulled the Retrograde Fools' Day prank and got the backward ball rolling. Next up, Pluto will take his moonwalk move on May 2. For the record, Venus is the only planet that doesn't retrograde this year; the love goddess has opted out of the ...Holiday Mathis on Mar 29, 2024. Habits can form on purpose or on accident. Repetition makes it so. The lunar trine to Neptune followed by a challenging aspect to Mars highlights the actions we put on replay in the hours and days to come. Since each recurrence strengthens neural pathways, making the next round easier, make sure you're doing ...Dear Amy: I am involved in a very messy situation. I had an affair with a married man 33 years older (I am 25, he is 58). I didn't go out looking for it, but one thing led to another. He'd been having marital problems for several years. He described his wife as being a good person but someone who is a spectator in life rather than a participant. They are like housemates who sometimes have ...Cosmic Grudge Match. Holiday Mathis on May 17, 2024. Mercury and Pluto square off grudge-like, and little words like "I'm sorry" are so significant, they can change everything about a relationship. Words have the weight they are given and are valued by the effects they cause or inspire. Some people say "I'm sorry" so easily and often, it means ...Taurus Lunar Transition. Holiday Mathis on May 8, 2024. In the lunar transition from Taurus to Gemini, it may feel like you don't quite know what is best to work on. Often, the first step to solving a problem is knowing what it is. But if you don't know what it is, there's no need to fret. Take it as a cue to relax and make your mood and life ...True growth begins with a you-to-you embrace. An open-hearted self-acceptance will lead you to accept a number of other things. The more you can accept, the bigger your heart, world and horizons will be. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You're the constant. You show up when it matters with a steady hand to hold.Lunar Security Check. Holiday Mathis on Apr 2, 2024. On the first full day of the Mercury retrograde, the Capricorn moon does a security check on our systems, looking for weak spots and praising sturdiness wherever it is found. Jupiter, Charon, Uranus and Mercury all get a once-over, and the cosmically aligned will echo the sentiment with best ...Fool's Retrograde. Holiday Mathis on Apr 1, 2024. In the mystical card deck known as the tarot, there is a card named "The Fool" featuring a plucky youth carrying his belongings on a stick over his shoulder. The blithe spirit has a blossom in one hand, and his head is tilted up to the sun. It's not an advisable head angle for today, considering ...The left has a new goal: degrowth! We should "buy less stuff," forgive debts, grow our own food, etc. They say this will "build a more just and sustainable society" and "save the planet" from "climate chaos." This idea is popular with capitalism-haters. One at a ...Young Mars. Holiday Mathis on Apr 30, 2024. The vigor and youth of the warrior planet is never so pronounced as when he is in his own realm. Aries is the home of Mars, and there he returns, reminding us of where our vitality originates. Back to the basics of what fuels us. Desire, appetite, need -- these are what motivates action.ARIES (March 21-April 19). Expect to meet a variety of responses to the change you propose. Some will embrace your ideas; others will dig in their heels, daring you to try different persuasion. Maybe they secretly want to see how powerful you are. TAURUS (April 20-May 20).The moon moving from clean Virgo to shiny Libra recalls how clarifying our priorities is like washing a car. We do it knowing we'll have to do it again next week and the week after that. Unlike washing your car, you don't need soap or sweat tend to our values. Just reflecting on what truly matters to you is an act of alignment.Apr 18, 2024 · Fire Trine: Flames Entwine. Holiday Mathis on Apr 18, 2024. The Leo moon has a parting gift for Aries sun on the final full day of its Aries journey. The fire sign trine is a match lit by another match -- a single flame's sputtering surge. We flare with boldness and courage to do what was left undone.The bothersome thing about facts is that they're not very resilient, especially the true ones, which absolutely won't adapt, bend or change in any way to fit our preferences. An earth sign trine involving Uranus lends us a little luck when our expectations collide with ...Planetary Torch Pass. Holiday Mathis on Apr 26, 2024. In primal days when it wasn't so easy to make fire, keeping flames going was an important job given to responsible people who understood the significance of their watch. A sacred spirit is alive wherever people pass torches, metaphorical or otherwise.Entertainment / Horoscopes / Dec 18, 2023 Sometimes it is hard to be aware and tuned in to all that's going on in a moment, but the willingness to do so is enough to start the journey. Mercury and Jupiter form an earth sign trine, which has the effect of sifting through the rubble of ordinary communication to come up with the nuggets of gold ...Horoscopes / April 22, 2024 Similar in the way that the darkest hour is just before dawn, the peak time for dramatic tension occurs just before the moon's fullness. Between the three luminaries in water signs and the impending Pink Moon in Scorpio,...Astrology has been a significant part of human culture for centuries. Many individuals turn to astrology to gain insights into their lives, relationships, and future endeavors. The...Navigating Forgiveness and Boundaries. Annie Lane on Feb 29, 2024. Dear Annie: I am 70 years old and blessed with two well-settled and caring grown children (one son and one daughter), who have each been blessed with two kids of their own, making me a grandma of 4 under 4; for which I'm very excited and grateful.Sean Kingston arrested in SoCal's Fort Irwin after SWAT raid on singer's South Florida rental. Entertainment / Entertainment News / May 24, 2024. LOS ANGELES — Singer-rapper Sean Kingston was arrested in San Bernardino County on Thursday, hours after a SWAT team raided his rented mansion in South Florida.Single File: Taking Stock. Susan Dietz on Apr 17, 2024. Let's say -- for argument's sake -- you're currently in a romantic relationship but a bit (or more than a bit) unsure about continuing it into the new year. You two made it through the holidays in survival mode, but now the togetherness is running on empty, at times not at all the "real ...Ask Amy: Disabled woman disturbs party guests. Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on Apr 12, 2024. Dear Amy: I’m a widower, and my significant other, “Siena,” is a widow. Long ago, we dated in college (semi-seriously) for a couple years, but “life” got in the way and we drifted apart. We married other people. Both of our spouses ...on Feb 29, 2024. Dear Toni, Recently in your Medicare column, you discussed services that are not covered by Original Medicare such as dental, vision, long-term care and other items. I thought Medicare covered long-term care but was wrong, because my mother suffered a severe stroke and her rehab facility notified me that Medicare is not paying ...Mercury Sings Cha-Ching! Holiday Mathis on May 16, 2024. What was commonplace in an era gone by is now considered offensive, and that has been the way for every trip around the sun since the dawn of society. To fully embrace this moment in history is to make constant updates. Mercury in the early degrees of Taurus refreshes the page of commerce ...The slow cooker. That awesome low-effort device that lets you come home to a complete meal—or wake up to one, like this complete breakfast of eggs layered with hash browns, sausage...Venus Floats a Note. Holiday Mathis on Mar 12, 2024. It is not humanly possible to take in everything about a situation, so instead, our brains make assumptions based on what we already know. These shortcuts help us navigate what would otherwise be a very confusing world of stimuli. Venus in the early stages of Pisces will float a gentle ...Annie Lane on Mar 15, 2024. Dear Annie: Please give me your opinion. I am an 84-year-old widow. I have one child, a son, and one grandchild in town. My other children live hours away. I no longer drive. I am financially independent and have someone to come clean twice a month, drive me to run errands, go to the doctor, do grocery shopping and ...The moon moving from clean Virgo to shiny Libra recalls how clarifying our priorities is like washing a car. We do it knowing we'll have to do it again next week and the week after that. Unlike washing your car, you don't need soap or sweat tend to our values. Just reflecting on what truly matters to you is an act of alignment.Venus Conjunction Alerts Taste Police. Holiday Mathis on Feb 17, 2024. The saying goes, "There's no accounting for taste." Taste is a melding of various domains of intelligence centered around aesthetics, design, social awareness and communication. Considering taste as its own distinct talent will help you not to confuse it with other sorts of ...The Thin Veil. Holiday Mathis on May 1, 2024. Celebrants, light your bonfires, feast and dance the maypole -- maybe not in that order. It was the belief of the ancients that on this day of Beltane, the veil between realms of reality is at its thinnest. It ties in with the themes of fertility, which is quite literally the bridge between what is ...Horoscopes / May 01, 2024 Celebrants, light your bonfires, feast and dance the maypole -- maybe not in that order. It was the belief of the ancients that on this day of Beltane, the veil between realms of reality is at its thinnest. Horoscopes / March 08, 2024 On this day when the realm of spirit (Pisces) holds a conjunction of Mercury (communicati


EatingWell: Lighten up your barbecue menu with this fresh salad. Variety Menu / May 13...

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Ask Amy: Disabled woman disturbs party guests. Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on ...

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Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on Apr 7, 2024. Dear Amy: I have a lot of hesitation abo...

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Dear Readers: By this time of year, many of us have tried - and already discarded - our New Ye...

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The Thin Veil. Entertainment / Horoscopes / May 01, 2024. Celebrants, light your bonfires, feast an...

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Judith Martin, Nicholas Ivor Martin and Jacobina Martin on May 21, 2024. DEAR MISS MANNERS: My son was invi...

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Shafik and Other College Presidents Have Mission Confusion. : Betsy Mccaughey on May 15, 20...

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